Chord Basics for Beginners

Chord Basics for Beginners

Learn what is a major and minor chord and how to construct them. We’ll also learn how to play it on the piano and how they are useful in playing any kind of music.


Prerequisite: You need to have basic knowledge of the piano like the music alphabet name (A-G) for each key on the piano and basic rhythm. Recommended age for this camp is 9 and older.


This camp is split into 3 – 1.5 hours classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 1 pm to 2:30 pm.


This camp is available on Zoom only.

Event Details

June 28, 2021 to July 1, 2021
2:30PM to 4:00PM


For more information, please email us to schedule an informational call. We look forward to helping you embark on your musical journey.