Accompanying Pop Songs for Beginners
Do you want to learn how to play simple chords on the piano to accompany pop songs while you, your family, or friends sing? In this camp, you will learn how to use simple common chords like C, Dm, F, G, and Am chords to accompany pop songs. During the lesson, we will accompany 2-3 pop songs. This camp will be available on Zoom only.
Prerequisite: You need to understand the construct of major and minor chords. You also need to know how to play the chords on the piano. You can join us in the Chord Basics for Beginners camp to meet the prerequisites for this camp. The recommended age is 9 and older.
This camp is split into 3 – 1 hr classes, on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 2:30 pm to 4 pm.
Stay tuned for the Registration Link.